2010 • BTL material for the first organisation of the international public art film festival
TOP TO BOTTOM, consisting of festival poster & programme, "stencil bank", banner
& showtime poster range.
TOP TO BOTTOM showcases a wide range of short films, feature films, DIY films and independent documentaries, focusing on various forms of public art, with graffiti and street
art being the most widely known.
TOP TO BOTTOM is organised and curated by Studio 4.

The TOP TO BOTTOM poster, folded programme, programme side "A" & programme side "b" see the identical size of the programme & poster, minimizing wastage by printing everything in a single batch & enabling print production at minimum cost

TOP TO BOTTOM poster, available as a single & double sided print, used mainly on shop fronts. Print specifications: 19.4 x 42 cm, single custom Pantone colour litho print on 115 gsm Writing Yellow

TOP TO BOTTOM posters at Psiri area

TOP TO BOTTOM programme (folded). Print specifications: 19.4 x 14 cm, single custom Pantone colour litho print on 115 gsm Writing Yellow

Programme side "a". Print specifications: 19.4 x 42 cm, single custom Pantone colour litho print on 115 gsm Writing Yellow

Programme side "b". Print specifications: 19.4 x 42 cm, single custom Pantone colour litho print on 115 gsm Writing Yellow

Some TOP TO BOTTOM programmes at Booze cafe

The festival's first visitors scanning the programme

The "Stencil Bank" page on t2bipaff.org, giving festival fans the opportunity to make their own TOP TO BOTTOM stencil & leave their mark

Showtime poster range. Print specifications: 29.7 x 21 cm, single colour laser print on 80 gsm Writing White

TOP TO BOTTOM banner. Print specifications: 300 x 295 cm, digital print on canvas

The banner & a part of the showtime poster range at the Greek Film Archive